Friday, July 10, 2009

Day 32

Yesterday turned out pretty excellent I thought. We got the new FitNesse release out! And now, its so cool, all you need to do to update is download and run the .jar file and FitNesse will do the rest! I spent most of the morning working on adding a button and some user friendly tools to the compareHistory function. I had a long debate with myself on how to actually accomplish making it user friendly. In the end I decided to use check boxes next to the test history files, and the user would select two and click the compare button I added. For awhile I was considering both doing the check boxes in Java Script, which I don't know much of and porbably would have taken me a day to learn the basics well enough to get the functionality done, or I would have made two parrallel option circle things thus making sure the user could only select two. Instead I just send an error page if the user attempts to compare history with any number of boxes checked other than just two. I am starting to get the hang out making new features, and finally I have a decent idea of how FitNesse works.
My next task has already been given to me, and that is to improve the compare history feature. Right now it merely displays the two pages side by side, and shows whether or not they match. Now I need to make this comparison table by table, showing which tables match and which don't. Even more than that, and this will be the challenging part, if a old page had lets say 1 more table than the new one, then of course all the tables wont line up right. So I need to make the comparison just a little smarter so that it will actually look for matching tables and line those ones up and just attach any extra ones to the end.

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